Author Guidelines

Journal Template

MS Word Template: Download

PDF Template (For Reference): Download


The text of the paper should be written using Arial font having size 12 points. The section headings should be written in Arial font having sizes [ Heading Level 1 = 14, Level 2 = 12, Level 3 = 10 ] points. The length of abstract should be no more than 250 words. The maximum length of the paper should be no more than 10 pages formatted according to the template. The paper not formatted according to this template will not pass the initial editorial process. Abbreviations should be defined in full the first time they appear. Abbreviations could be then used, quoted in-between parentheses. 

Keywords:  HEI Rankings; Subject Specific Academic Rankings; Sub-Discipline Rankings;

1. Introduction

Please note the start line indent and font of the introduction section heading and text [1], [2]. Introduction section should broadly cover an introduction to the research problem addressed in the paper and any term that is associated with the domain and is not common. 

2. Structure

The research article should be divided into multiple sections like the following:

  1. A Title (short and well-representative of the research idea)
  2. Full names of all the authors including their affiliations
  3. Abstract and Keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Related Work or Literature Review or Background
  6. Research Problem
  7. Proposed Solution or Method
  8. Experiments
  9. Results and Discussions
  10. Conclusion
  11. References
  12. Optional Parts:
    • Acknowledgments
    • Funding Statement
    • Conflict of Interests
    • Appendix

2.1 Page Layout and Text Style



Page Size

A4 size [ 8.27” × 11.69” ]           

Paper Layout

Single column 


Set all sides 1.0”

Line spacing

•       1.0 for normal text
•       1.5 after a heading (all level)
•       1.5 after a caption


•       14 points  

Text Font

•       Arial, 10 points, 
•       Text color = Black
•       Text alignment = Justified
•       No extra white spaces, page breaks


•       Level 1 – Bold, 12 points
•       Level 2 – Bold, 11 points
•       Level 3 – Bold, 10 points

Authors, Affiliation

Font size – 10 points  

Abstract and Keywords

Font size – 8 points

Header and Footer

Font size – 8 points

Captions of figures & tables

•       Font size – 10 points
•       Automatic insertion of the caption


Font size – 8 points 

2.2 Headings (All headings should be aligned to extreme left of the margin)

▪ The Initial letter of each notional word in all headings is capitalized.
▪ The line space between and heading and subsequent text should be 1.5 points.
▪ Align all headings to extreme left, numbered with decimals. For example:

  • The second level two heading under the third level one heading should be numbered as 3.2.
  • Level 3 heading, numbered after the level two headings, such as 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc.

3. Equations and Mathematical Expressions

An equation should be written in Equation editor. The equation number should be kept at right extreme. See Eq. (1) for an example.

E=mc2                                                                                     (1)

4. Figures and Tables

Figures and tables help in better understanding of the manuscript text. Remember following guide lines for tables and figures:

  1. Always insert a suitable caption (brief but comprehensive) for each figure and table.
  2. For a table the caption should be on its top, while for a figure it should be in its bottom.
  3. The border lines of a table should be in light-gray color. Use of light color increases visibility of the text inside the cells.
  4. Align the figures and tables in center of the page margins. Figure 1 and Table 1 represent the required formatting.

 Figure 1: A beautiful scene of nature

 Table 1: Some Well-known Global Higher Education Institutions



Nick Name


2 3








Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University

University of California at Berkeley

Carnegie Mellon University

Harvard University

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich

University of Oxford

University of Toronto

Princeton University

University of California at Los Angeles










 5. Graphs and Charts

Graphs and Charts also help in better understanding of the manuscript text. Remember following guide lines for them:

  1. Always insert a title (brief but comprehensive) for each graph and chart.
  2. Adding graph labels, legends and data labels increase their effectiveness.
  3. Align the graph and chart in center of the page margins.

Consult example of a graph (Figure 1) in the template for research article.

6. Citations

Cite references in the main text, by following the IEEE style like [1]. 

7. Optional Parts

Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interests, and Funding Statement headings should be written as normal text with bold font.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your research work process.

Conflict of Interests

Authors are requested to disclose interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. Interests within the last 3 years of beginning the work (conducting the research and preparing the work for submission) should be reported.

Funding Statement

FUJEAS requires authors to specify any sources of funding (institutional, private and corporate financial support) for the work reported in their paper. This information, in the form of the name of the funding organization/s and the grant number -or should be included at the end of the article under the heading ‘Funding’, and provided at the time of submitting the paper. Any suppliers of materials should be named and their location included if appropriate. This information will be included in the published article.

8. References

The reference should be given in IEEE format. Avoid unnecessary references, as they create confusion. Keep in mind following points about them

  1. The facts given a reference should be correct and complete.
  2. Ensure completeness of critical elements of information (Title, Authors’ Names, Year, Venue, Volume, Issue and Page Numbers).
  3. All references should be cited in the text
  4. Check for duplicate references
  5. All references should be in font size 10 and listed at the end of the paper.
  6. Remember that every resource (journal article, conference paper, book or online electronic resource etc.) has some specific data.:

o Titles of books and journals are in italics, with the first letter of the notional word capitalized. 
o The first letter of Titles of articles, reports, dissertations and conferences should be capitalized.
o References should be arranged in the order in which they appear in the text.

Example format for books

[1]  B. Aslam and P. Sajid, “Systems and their correlations,” in The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,
      1st ed., vol. 1. USA: Springer, pp. 15–64, 2004.

Example format for books (Online)

[2]  B. Aslam, An Introduction to Operations Research. SpringerLink, 2004. [Online]. Available: 

▪ Example format for theses (M.S.) and dissertations (Ph.D.)

[3]  Shaheen, “Mining metrics to predict covariant,” Ph.D. dissertation, Foundation University Islamabad,

▪ Example format for conference proceedings (published):

[4]  Fahad and R. P. Simmer, “Using spatial correlations to find value of digital topography,” in Proc. ACIS,
      New York, NY, USA, pp. 215–218, 2020.

▪ Examples format for journals:

[5]  S. Qureshi, A. Daud, M. K. Hayat, M. Song and Y. Park, "Heading Towards Sub-Discipline Rankings for
      Higher Education Institutions," in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022, DOI: 

[6]  Ioanidis, K. W. Boyack and J. Baas, "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation
      indicators," PLoS Biol, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 15-17, October 2020.

[7]  P. Li, S. M. Zaman and T. R. Yang, “Context based association rule mining,” Foundation University of 
      Engineering & Applied Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 545–546, 2021.