Impact of Social Media Addiction on Social Behavior


  • Alishba Sadaf Urooge China State Construction Pvt Ltd. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Social Media Addiction


This report is about impact of social media addiction on behavior of individuals currently in universities. Web compulsion and the ethical ramifications of introverted Internet conduct will be researched in this paper. An ever increasing number of individuals utilize the Internet in their day by day life. The study has been conducted using survey in my own university where I have used qualitative and quantitative feedback of students. Major findings in this report are the attitude of students towards this issue which is surprisingly Extra ordinary in good sense. Lamentably, the level of individuals who utilize the web unnecessarily likewise increments. The idea of Internet compulsion or obsessive utilization of the Internet is talked about in detail, and the attributes of Internet addicts are additionally outlined. The social (particularly the reserved) utilization of the Internet is talked about. It is contended that the conduct of Internet use is like day by day life social conduct. The accompanying practices are viewed as reserved Internet conduct the utilization of the Internet to complete unlawful exercises, for example, selling faked items or hostile explicit materials, the utilization of Internet to menace others (i.e., cyber bullying, for example, disseminating derogatory explanations against someone in particular, The utilization of Internet to swindle others, and the utilization of Internet to do illicit betting). The qualities of the ethical stages that are related with these introverted Internet practices are examined in detail.


